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The 2024-2027 Three Year Plan (3YP) was adopted 27 June 2024.

The 3YP presents our vision for the district and our plans for the next 3 years in collaboration with the community. The plan outlines the recovery work and services we will focus on, details how we will fund them, and explains the implications for our rates and debt.


Background - consultation on our draft plan

We consulted on on the draft plan from 20 March to 19 April. We received 173 submissions.

Our 3YP consultation document

Our 3 Year Plan deals with the far-reaching damage and impacts of severe weather in 2023 which left scars on our environment and our people.

Cyclone Gabrielle highlighted major vulnerabilities in the infrastructure we all use every day - from our drinking water, wastewater and stormwater to roading, flood protection and even managing our waste.

We estimate our infrastructure alone suffered $1.1 billion in damage, that includes $725m for roading and $172m to clear large wood debris.

This is huge and the future resilience of our infrastructure requires significant investment. We won’t be able to do this alone and will continue to partner with government to ease the financial burden.

Our 2024-2027 budget is significantly different from where we thought we'd be when the Long Term Plan for 2021-2031 was adopted. Work's ongoing, and we have a lot to do to mend and heal as we keep Tairāwhiti moving forward.

We know cost, resources and the need to keep rates as low as possible will all affect our ability to build back with resilience.

Despite tremendous challenges we have come up with a sound financial strategy, outlining how we pay for the day-to-day core services while building back stronger. We simply can't tackle all of the issues, if we did it would mean a rates increase of more than 20%.

To do everything in this plan, within the timeframe with the resources we have -

We propose a rates increase of 11.4% in the first year, 9.8% by year 2 and 8.4% by year 3.

We don’t want to ‘max out the credit card’ when it comes to the amount we’re prepared to borrow. We need to save for a rainy day and be prepared for more severe weather events to come.

What we spend depends on how much we provide to our communities. If we do more – either to meet new standards or because you would like to see us do more, then our costs increase.

We can lower costs but this will mean reducing our levels of service in some areas.

We asked for your feedback on the options

The plans we make will touch the lives of everyone in our region – that’s why we sought feedback on whether we have the balance right. We talked about our recovery plans, some of which are funded by central government, and some aren't.

We have to absorb rising costs from inflation in providing our much-needed every day services. We're working hard to keep rates affordable while still doing what needs to be done.

Our 3 year plan explains what recovery work and services we will focus on, how we’ll pay and what it means for rates and debt.

The options were

Our budget, our challenges and recovery focus

Contact Us

Have questions or want to learn more about a project, contact us below:

Phone 0800 653 800 (24 hours)
In writing

15 Fitzherbert Street
Gisborne. 4010
New Zealand