Our Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy is due to lapse on 1 March. To maintain the choice that has been available since 2018, the current policy is proposed to be re-adopted as the Tairāwhiti Easter Sunday Shop Trading Policy 2025.
We propose to adopt the new policy unchanged from the current policy.
This will maintain the ability for shop owners to choose to open on Easter Sunday if they wish to do so.
If a new policy's not adopted, most retailers will not be able to open on Easter Sunday this year and subsequent years.
The economic development goals that underpinned adoption of the 2018 policy are still relevant today. Retailers and shoppers are used to the arrangements and statute has not changed. We're also not aware of any major opposition to the arrangements.
We welcome your view on our preferred option - to retain the current policy.
Feedback closes 5pm Wednesday 5 March