Gisborne District Council proposes to amend the sensitive sites provision in its Local Alcohol Policy 2024 (LAP). This provision manages the proximity between businesses licensed to sell alcohol and sensitive sites.

Sensitive sites are defined under the LAP as educational facilities, marae, spiritual facilities and recreational facilities.

Summary of the proposed changes

We propose to amend the sensitive site provisions in our Local Alcohol Policy 2024, options being considered are:

Option 1 - Status Quo. Keep the current sensitive site provisions but improve readability

This option means no changes to Clause 3.1.1 and 3.1.2, which relate to sensitive sites and minor changes to improve the readability of Clause 3.1.3 (the definition of sensitive sites).

Option 2 - Change the sensitive site provisions

This option includes changes to the sensitive site provisions to:

  • Exempt all new licence applications within the CBD area from complying with Clause 3.1.1 (the sensitive sites policy for on-licences).
  • Enable the District Licensing Committee (DLC) to consider exemptions to Clause 3.1.1 for any new licence applications for premises outside the CBD.
  • Makes minor wording improvements for Clause 3.1.3 (the definition of sensitive sites).
For more detail about the proposed changes, read the Statement of Proposal