The plan no longer meets community needs, our obligations under Te Tiriti o Waitangi or required legislative outcomes.

We need a plan that enables us to live better.

As the combined plan is so big we're updating it as a series of plan changes.

Please give us your feedback on these changes

What we're asking from you

Please +follow this page, read the information provided and answer the questions in the tabs below.

If you still have questions, please come to one of our drop-in sessions in February. Please note we will be organising an Awapuni public hui at a later date.

Thank you for helping improve the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan.

Urban Plan Change Questions

Urban Plan Changes

The urban changes relate to the district plan provisions - part of the rulebook.

It's all about implementing our Future Development Strategy.

We've drafted some zoning descriptions and have 9 questions related to the Urban Plan Change work.

Please read the statements, consider how we're implementing the FDS and have your say below.

Regional Policy Statement Questions

The Regional Policy Statement

The Regional Policy Statement is at the centre of the Tairāwhiti Resource Management Plan but it does not contain the rules.

It sets the vision for the policies and rules to implement that vision. The rules sit below in the regional and district plan provisions which make up the remainder of the plan.

Read the RPS Engagement Document and answer the questions below.

Masterplan Questions

Masterplans for City Centre, Kaiti, Elgin and Awapuni

We need your input to help us create urban masterplans for the City Centre, Kaiti, Elgin and Awapuni.

The masterplans will guide future decisions about where we live, work, play and how we get to the places we want to be.

The masterplans will affect you and your whanau as they can improve connections to parks, schools and work.

If you have more questions around the masterplans, come along to one of the hui. Please note that since the Awapuni masterplan was not a requirement of the FDS recommendations, we'll be running this public hui at a later date.

Please see the timeline on the right for details.