Mentoring will involve informal and formal hui to support development as a local leader. The relationship provides both with the opportunity to gain a deeper insight into inter-generational issues, cultural values and experiences.

Rangatahi will also have the opportunity to build peer networks with graduates of the programme, obtain support and receive leadership training by attending 4 leadership development wānanga over the course of the year.

To be part of the programme

We're looking for rangatahi Māori. Are you actively involved with your local community and have leadership potential? Then you need to apply to be part of the 2025 Tuia Rangatahi Programme, here's the criteria:

🔸 Between 18-25-years of age.
🔸 Actively involved in contributing to the wellbeing of your community at some level.
🔸 Have support from whānau, hapū, pakeke, employers or community to participate.
🔸 Open-minded and willing to contribute to discussions and workshops.
🔸 Well organised and able to manage time and commitments effectively.

Being part of the programme you will:

✅ Attend 4 leadership development wānanga throughout the year.
✅ Gain access to peer networks and graduate support.
✅ Develop skills to contribute meaningfully to your community.