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We're developing a plan where walking and cycling is easy and safe and becomes the preferred way to get around Gisborne for short trips. We asked for your input - feedback closed 20 December and 221 contributions were received, thanks!

What's the plan?

Designing our streets to be people friendly builds community, increases safety and enhances wellbeing.

We want to make sure everyone can use the walking and biking network - that's any ability from age 8 onwards.

The strategy will focus on making it safe and convenient to swap using your car for those short daily trips, especially to work and school.

We asked for your input to understand more about active transport in the city.

When we talk about active transport we mean any activity that's an alternative to using a car - like on foot, on a bike, scooter or skateboard or mobility scooter and wheelchair.

Why do we need a walking and cycling strategy?

The purpose of creating a walking and cycling strategy is to make it safe and easy for people to get around on foot, a bike, scooter, skateboard or mobility scooter.

There's so many benefits to walking and cycling that include social, environmental, economic, physical health and mental well-being.

Providing safe and well connected walking and cycling networks takes time and money.

The walking and cycling strategy will identify key routes and prioritise where any money is invested to develop them.

We want to make active transport an easy, safe, attractive, inclusive and enjoyable way to get around.

We need to make sure we get the most out of every dollar we spend to improve what we already have and lock in any new projects.

We asked for feedback

We wanted to understand:
  • What might be holding you back from using active transport options?
  • What issues or gaps are there within our existing walking and cycling network?
  • Are there places that you wish you could get to, but there's no footpaths or no direct route to get there or safe places to cross?
  • Ideas that could improve our network?

Your input will help us identify key routes and prioritise where any money is invested to develop them.

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Contact Information
Phone 0800 653 800 (24 hours)
In writing

15 Fitzherbert Street
Gisborne. 4010
New Zealand