The impact of Cyclone Gabrielle on our region has been significant in many ways. To deal with our region’s immediate needs while we work towards our long-term recovery, we have reconsidered both our long-term and annual planning processes.

Council established the Recovery Coordination Centre - Tairāwhiti (RCC) to coordinate our regional response for recovery, exploring ways to make the region more resilient against the impacts of future weather events.

Our Annual Plan is very different this year, because we’ve focused on dealing with the impacts of repeated severe weather events and on the immediate needs of our region. We'll be starting comprehensive engagement and consultation on our 3-year 2024 to 2027 recovery plan.

The 2023/2024 Annual Plan is our short-term plan focused on our region’s road to recovery.

We asked for your feedback on the draft plan and received 13 submissions.

The 2023/24 Annual Plan was adopted on 28 June 2023

Our road to recovery - Tairāwhiti

Our 2023/24 Annual Plan focuses on key recovery areas for a safe, protected and connected Tairāwhiti:

  • Road reinstatement
  • Woody debris removal
  • Forestry focus
  • Land management
  • Flood protection

For more information about our road to recovery in Tairāwhiti, please see our website Our Road to Recovery.

Draft Annual Plan 2023/24