
Buyout plan expected soon

2 August 2023

Following the Government’s announcement on the Hawkes Bay Category 3 cost sharing and buy back proposal, Gisborne District Council will be in a position to take a proposal for cost sharing and buy back to the community in the next couple of weeks.

Mayor Rehette Stoltz says cyclones Gabrielle and Hale caused significant damage to residential property owners with so far, 40 properties assessed as Category 3. This means they are not safe to live in because of the unacceptable risk of future flooding or landslide and loss of life.

“Council has been in negotiations with central Government for the last couple of months and continues to work through the concerns and challenges that the cost sharing and buyout presents.”

Part of the negotiations include discussions about flood protection projects to give some certainty for owners pf properties assessed as Category 2.

“We understand that Category 3 property owners want certainty of timeframes as we work towards finding solutions that are in the best interests of all of Tairāwhiti.”

“The proposal for Government’s buyout and cost sharing will impact on all ratepayers and this is something that Councillors and the community need to agree to.”

“We want to get the best deal that we can for our ratepayers and our Category 3 residential property owners and we are working as fast as we can to give everyone certainty.”

“In the meatime we continue to be in close contact with Category 3 property owners and we expect to have more clarity on what the cost sharing and buy back will be within the next fortnight.”