Submissions have now closed on the following draft documents.

Fees and Charges 2024/25

Fees and charges are used to fund the operation and maintenance of a variety of services provided to the community. They are reviewed annually but can also be changed or updated during the year. See the summary of new fees and changes in the document.

Rate Remission and Postponement Policy

Remission and postponement policies are primarily used to address any inequities as a result of setting of the rates and provide assistance to those who are affected more than others.

Revenue and Financing Policy

This policy determines when debt and rates will be used as a funding source. This includes targeted rates for the cost of an activity or service that should be paid for by particular groups or ratepayers who benefit from the activity or service.

Development Contributions Policy

This policy identifies growth-related infrastructure work as well as the charges that expect to be recovered from developers to support that work.

We've updated the growth projections resulting in increased projected Household Unit Equivalents (HUE), development contributions reserves balance, projects and project costs in this version of the policy.